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The Tale of Halloween

The Tale of Halloween


Zachary King discusses a possible origin of Halloween that he discovered in a satanic library he had access to at the height of his satanic career.

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Prevalence of Satanism

Prevalence of Satanism


Many people are unaware of how prevalent satanism is in our culture, this talk discusses this.

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Would Harry Potter Make a Good Christian

Would Harry Potter Make a Good Christian


Harry Potter is a highly debated topic amongst many Christians. This talk quotes experts and the bible to discuss the important question: Would Harry Potter Make a Good Christian? and lets you draw your own conclusion.

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Adoratio "Edited"

Adoratio "Edited"


This is the edited version of Zacs talk from the Adoratio conference held in Saint-Maximin-la-sainte-baum France. You aren't stuck hearing the long pauses & audio issues, and as a bonus this version is short enough to burn onto a standard CD-R. This version has a shortened Q&A

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Are You Eating From Satans Shopping Cart?

Are You Eating From Satans Shopping Cart?


It recently came out that several of the major food brands use a flavor enhancer that was tested on aborted fetus kidneys.

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Juvenile Years: Is 15 too old to hear this testimony?

Juvenile Years: Is 15 too old to hear this testimony?


Zachary King was once told that his testimony isn't appropriate for children under 15 years old, in this talk he speaks about how he got involved in the occult at age 10 and the importance of discussing these issues with your children.

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